I saw a red dot on the OS map with the name Magh Adhair and wanted to see what it was. It's a ring fort, 50 metres north-northwest from the road, and has a Fógra sign as well. I estimated it has an external diametre of about 45 metres. The enclosure has a ditch all around and the access to the inner area is granted by an earth footpath on the southwest (230°) side of it. The name Magh Adhair means "Plain of Adhar", a name given after Adhar the Firbolg, the first possessor of the place in the 1st century. Adhar was the son of Umor, the brother of Aengus, the person who built the majestic fort of Dun Aengus on the Aran Islands. In this place the O’Briens were nominated kings of Thomond, which was an area that today includes county Clare, county Limerick and county Tipperary North.