This Passage Tomb is the most beautiful of the satellite tombs at this site. It's a low mound surrounded by a perfectly round kerb of 33 stones over a diameter of about 17 metres. Some of them have a strange look. In the centre of the mound there's a passage tomb. The gallery is 1.40 metres long and 50 centimetres wide. At the end of the gallery there's a first chamber closed by a sill slab and aligned to east-southeast (110°) towards the Tomb T, which measures 1.45 metres of width and 1.50 metres of length. A second chamber is towards east-northeast (70°) and is 45 centimetres wide and 70 centimetres long. The passage is divided in two sections by another sill slab. We came here for the first time on June 15th, 2001.