By a small inlet next to Derrynane there's this beautiful ogham stone set in a small clearing next to the road, though this isn't its original position. It was found half buried in the sand of the nearby beach in 1940's and it was moved here. It was dated around the 6th century. It's 2.15 metres tall, 52 centimetres wide at the base and 30 centimetres thick. The ogham inscription is along the southeast (120°) edge and though some letters are rather clear the whole inscription is very worn. According to the famous Irish archaeologist Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister, the inscription reads ANM LLATIGNI MAQ M[I]N[E]RC M[UOCOI] Q[. . . ]CI. The letters within brackets were unclear at the time of reading 71 years ago, I guess that right now they would be even more mysterious.