This roofless old church is well visible from the top of the mound at Dowth. The building has nothing to be noticed, apart from the memorial to John Boyle O’Reilly, the Irish poet and writer who was born right here in 1844, on the south (175°) side of the church. The church also has a sheela-na-gig, but it is very hard to spot. We looked at every single stone of the masonry until we found a stone that could be it, not far from the memorial. It's the only stone different from the others and it's placed vertically rather than across. Whether it is the sheela-na-gig or not I can't tell, any detail has disappeared, intentionally or not. The sheela-na-gig is at 1.15 metres from the ground, and measures 41 centimetres of height and 19 centimetres of width.