There's only a simple road sign to these three tombs and I wonder why they are not mentioned on the internet at all, they're simply fantastic. I think I may be the first person writing about them and showing their photos in a website.
They're hidden in a little wood, 1.7 kilometres from the town of Dunkineely. From the little spot where we left the car we walked for 145 metres among little streams of water, a lot of mud and two or three timber runways, up to these wonderful three tombs. The three wedge tombs are parallel and aligned south-southwest to north-northeast. They are 70 centimetres apart from each other. The one on the left is 2.50 metres long, 1 metre wide and 1.35 metres tall. The tomb in the middle is the bigger one and is 4 metres long, 1.50 metres wide and 1.75 metres tall. The third one is 2 metres long, 1.20 metres wide and just 70 centimetres tall. They're all included in a semi-circle of short upright stones that probably are the remains of a larger cairn that included them all. The capstones show some cupmarks on the upper surfaces. Absolutely fantastic! The only sound over here is the singing of the birds.