This is the largest stone circle in Ireland and is 4,000 years old. It has a diameter of about 47 metres with 122 stones set in a perfect circle. The largest stone in the circle is at northeast (30°), it measures 2.61 metres of height and 2.30 metres of width, and it's known with the name of Rannach Croim Duibh, "The Dark Bent One". The ceremonial access to the circle is from the east-northeast (70°) along a passage flanked by short slabs and two large upright stones, the taller standing at 2.00 metres of height. Other two large stones are found at southeast (125°) and at south (175°). The first of this two stones is 1.78 metres tall and 3.02 metres wide. The second one is 2.13 metres tall and 1.63 metres wide. Excavation of the site led to the finding of fragments of human and animal bones, and several flints, arrowheads, blades and pottery, but also some bronze items, thus dating the circle from 2000 BC.
This was our second visit to this site, the first one being on June 11th, 2001.