In the middle of a field there's a base where three cross shafts and a cross head have been mounted. Unfortunately we couldn't see them closely because a bull was guarding the field and his look wasn't friendly. If we're back in the area we'll check it out again. UPDATE: May 29th, 2011 - At last we are back to the Emlagh crosses. This time no bull was in the field and I was granted the access by a man in a house across the road. The crosses are on a base in the field, 25 metres from the road. They are fragments of two or more crosses. Three fragments are of cross shafts, there's a cross head in bad conditions and another fragments that looks like it was from the part of a cross between the shaft and the head. Another small fragment of a shaft is mounted into the northwest face of the base. These sad pieces of crosses are all that remains of an early monastery that once was in this place.